If there is one stereotype that
is most commonly associated with Islam is it being a religion that
suppresses and oppresses women. With all the clauses of Islam people get
the idea that it is somehow a male dominated or male favoring religion
that considers women as only objects and subjects that are under the
control of man and he can use them the way he wishes without giving them
any rights.
The statement that Islam is a woman
friendly religion and gave the rights to women, which they never had,
has become a cliché. Despite all the arguments that Muslims give
pertaining to the prestigious and respectable stature of women in Islam,
the Western media still ignores them and tries to show the oppression
of Muslim women as if it were commanded by Allah. The lines below
discuss women in Islam in the light of the rights that Islam has given
The West thinks that Islam does not
allow women to get education and become enlightened. This is a wrong
conception of women in Islam, because the religion preaches education
for all and the pursuit of education is as imperative for a Muslim woman
as it is for a man. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:
“Acquiring knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim.” (Tabarani)
There is a universal agreement among
Muslims pertaining to the fact that this hadith equally applies to all
the genders and the word ‘Muslim’ in this hadith does not stand for male
part of the society rather females are stressed in the same way and
magnitude as well. Therefore, thinking that women cannot receive
education or they cannot walk the path of learning is a misconception
and is against what Islam preaches to its followers.
It is quite natural of people to assume
that women in Islam cannot be charitable because if they are oppressed
to a level where they cannot earn so how could they give charity or Zakaat.
Sadly, this notion is also misconceived because in Islam women can be
charitable either from their own earning or from the earning of their
husbands. Hazrat Aisha (RA) narrates about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
“A woman will receive reward
(from Allah) even when she gives charity from her husband’s earnings.
The husband and the treasurer (who keeps the money on the husband’s
behalf) will also be rewarded, without any decrease in reward of any of
Therefore, the stereotype that males are
the ones who are supposed to be charitable in an Islamic society is
wrong, rather women can also be charitable and receive equal reward for
their deeds.
Another patriarchal construct is males dominating the worshiping in Islam. People think that either it is obligatory five times prayer
or excessive prayer it is the male members of the society that have to
do it. They are the ones who are supposed to say Salat, they are to
fast, they are to perform pilgrimage and so on. This notion like all the
other false portrayed notions is wrong because pertaining to worship
women are the same as men in Islam and there is no discrimination. Women
have to pray five times a day as men do, it is also obligatory upon
them to fast as it is upon men, and women of means also have to offer
Hajj in the same way as men do. Moreover, when it comes to reward
against all these deeds, the reward is equal for both men and women
without any difference.
Property And Wealth Rights:
Under the same conception about Islam
where women are repressed and subjugated, the notion that people have in
general is that women have no property and wealth rights in Islam. It
is on the subjectivity of the male to give whatever he wills to give to
women. In Quran Allah Almighty says:
“And wish not for the things
in which Allah has made some of you excel the others. For men there is
reward for what they have earned, (and likewise) for women there is
reward for what they have earned, and ask Allah of His Bounty. Surely,
Allah is Ever All-Knower of everything.” (4:32)
From the ayah it is clear that women
have right on whatever they earn, whether it comes from their work or
from the property they have received in the form of legacy. A Muslim
woman is to receive her share in the property and whatever she earns it
all is on her personal disposal whether she likes to share it with her
husband or other male members of the family or not.
Marital Partner Selection:
It is a common presumption pertaining to
marriage in Islam that in Islam women have no right to chose their
marital partner, rather it is her parents who do so and select whomever
they want for their daughter. Like all other notions it is wrong and
Islam gives an equal right of selection of marital partner to a woman as
it does to a man. Once a Woman came to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and
“My father has forced me to marry my cousin in order to raise his own status.”
The Prophet (PBUH) replied:
“You are free to dissolve your marriage and chose whomever you wished to marry.”
She replied:
“I accept my father’s choice, but my aim was to let the women know that fathers have no right to interfere in the marriage.” (Ibn Majah)
From this hadith again it is clear that
Islam gives the right of selection of marital partner to women and even
more if they are forced to marry someone, they can say no or dissolve
the marriage if they are pushed into it. Therefore, this great right of selection of marital partner rests with a woman in Islam.
Deeds of A Momin:
Sadly, the Muslim world has limited the
women to the boundaries of homes and they are not allowed to practice
their rights that are given to them by Islam. The job of doing good and
forbidding evil is only associated with men in the present Muslim world,
forgetting the fact that it is not the duty of a particular gender,
rather both the genders are ordered to stop evil and do good in their
capacity. when we read Quran and learn its verses with meanings, we can clearly see assess the message of Allah when He says:
“The believers, men and
women, are Awliyaa (helpers, protectors, friends) of one another; they
enjoin Al-Maruf (good prescribed in Islam) and forbid Munkar (evils
marked by Islam); they perform As-Salat, and give Zakat, and obey Allah
and His Messenger. Allah will have His Mercy on them. Surely, Allah is
All-Mighty, All-Wise.” (9:71)
Therefore, it is in the rights of a
woman to do the deeds that Allah Almighty associates with a Momin, so
that like the male members of the Muslim society, she could also play
her part and make this and the life to come better.
In a nutshell, in Islam women have all
sorts of rights. Considering women a lesser being or subjugating them is
not to be proven from any aspect of Quran or hadith, rather they have
rights that allow them to be a productive part of the society and be a
practicing Muslim as well.
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