At present, there are numerous
labels of negative connotations being associated with Islam. People all
over the world fail to understand that culture and Islam are different
in the Muslim population and the different acts which Muslims at present
undertake because of their social or cultural constraints have nothing
to do with Islam.
Although Islam in itself has the best
culture, but Muslims at present have culture different from Islam but
the west considers their culture as an Islamic culture. This notion is
wrong and has nothing but biased bad name to Islam. One of such cultural
phenomenon that has been defaming Islam is the act of honor-killing.
All over the Muslim world there are
people who kill women just because of the suspicion or even a proved
fact that the women has defamed them by committing adultery. Although
there have been very few cases in which such an action has been proved,
however, still the figure of honor killing remains high. One must
understand that honor killing has nothing to do with Islam and it is
purely an act that is against the teaching of Islam
and has no roots in Islam whatsoever. The lines below discuss how Islam
views killing in general and honor killing in particular.
Allah Almighty says in Quran:
“Whoever kills a believer
intentionally, their reward will be Hell, to abide therein forever, and
the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon them, and a dreadful penalty
is prepared for them.” (4:93)
From this ayah of Quran it is obvious
that there is no room for killing a believer in Islam. Whoever
intentionally kills a believer, the only reward left for him or her is
the life of hell in the hereafter. Therefore, intentional killing of a
believer in Islam is one of the gravest sins that a person can commit.
Further to killing Islam discusses the
sanctity of human life as well. In Islam human life is one of the most
sacred things and a Muslim is to care for life of others and make sure
that no life is lost. Allah Almighty says in Quran:
“On that account: We
ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone kills a person –
unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would
be as if they killed all people. And if anyone saved a life, it would
be as if they saved the life of all people.” (5:32)
From this ayah of Quran it again becomes
clear that human life is sacred. One cannot kill a human unless the
person being killed is spreading mischief in the world or life for life.
Other than that saving a life is saving humanity and killing one is
killing humanity.
The possible hadith that the illiterate
and Muslims with lack of knowledge use to justify the act of honor
killing is as follows where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) explained the
situations when shedding of blood is allowed by saying:
“It is not permissible to
shed the blood of a Muslim who bears witness that there is no god but
Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah except in three cases: a life
for a life (murder), zina of one who is previously married (adultery),
and the one who changes his religion and forsakes the jamaa’ah.” (Bukhari)
From the ayah one can find that killing
an adulterer who is married is allowed in Islam. This is the
justification which the people have for honor killing in a Muslim
society. However, they don’t realize the fact that this hadith gives a
general concept and the scholars have further discussed the conditions
in which it is allowed. The conditions are two:
- Firstly, the adulterer has to be previously married. It means that he or she would have had intercourse in a marriage, he or she is an adult, and in addition to being mentally sane they are free born as well. Therefore, those who are not married are not to be killed in the light of this hadith.
- The second condition for killing an adulterer is that there should be four male witnesses who would witness the meeting of the private parts of both the individuals involved in adultery. Moreover, this adultery is to be committed out of consent for the punishment to be valid.
- If it is supposed that the conditions are met, even then an individual does not have any right to kill the other, rather the power of punishment is to be given to the state justice system who would give an Islamic judgment on the matter.
From the mentioned hadiths it is clear
that the only killing allowed pertaining to defaming of honor is the
killing of an adulterer who is or has been previously married. It means
that killing of women who are not married is not allowed in Islam,
moreover, the one thing that most people forget is that this rule and
law is equally applicable on men as well. Moreover, if the woman is
found guilty of the crime, even then an individual does not have any
right to kill another person or woman in particular.
- Usually in honor killing unmarried women are killed. The above discussion shows that even if proved, an unmarried woman cannot be killed for adultery. Therefore, whoever do it don’t do it from Islam rather they do it from their social or cultural roots.
- The above discussion also shows that mere accusation on a married woman pertaining to adultery is not sufficient enough for killing her. Rather, it is only allowed when there are witnesses available that testify to the adultery taking place and that too not out of forcefulness but out of consent.
- Most importantly the discussion shows that if there is to be honor killing then men were to be treated in the same was as are women because the ruling for killing a fornicator that Islam gives is free from gender biasness and both the genders are to be held equally responsible for the act and its consequences.
In a nutshell, there is no concept of
honor killing in Islam. The only condition allowed is when adultery is
done by a married person and the ruling is the same for both men and
women without any discrimination. Therefore, the notion of killing
unmarried women or killing women only in the name of honor killing is
not Islamic at all.
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